BBM & The Pennsmen Run

May 11, 2022

Hello World! We have some exciting news to share with everyone. But first, as Bears Bikers & Mayhem has wrapped up, we would like to thank everyone that has helped put the event together and attended. The event this year was a blast, just as every other year. Also, Congratulations to Colton for winning Mr. Mayhem Leather 2022!

The news we would like to share is that we have been hard at work, putting together our own run. The Pennsmen 46th Anniversary & AMCC 200th Meeting will be held from 2/24/23-2/26/23 in Harrisburg, PA. We are finishing up the final touches for the run and will make an update as soon as tickets become available. We hope old and new friends come join us in this celebration. There is also an event on our Facebook page that anyone can join to help remember the date and discuss the event.