Thank you everyone that join The Pennsmen in the celebration of our 45+1 Anniversary. The Keystone Capital Run was more than a success. We couldn’t have done it without all of the support from the crew that helped put it together, the instructors that put on amazing classes, the leather clubs that hosted all the cocktail parties, and everyone that attended. We look forward to having more events in the future. In addition, Baltimore Out Loud wrote a nice article about the event, which can be viewed at the following link: BaltimoreOutLoud
This weekend coming up is Bears Bikers & Mayhem (5/4-5/7)! It is a great bear and leather event that many Pennsmen will be participating in. We will have our monthly meeting at BBM on Saturday at 10AM. Also, on Friday at BBM, we will be hosting a Meet and Greet Cocktail in the Eisenhower Ballroom. Come join us and mingle.
As the summer approaches, we will also be attending some of our local pride events. We are currently confirmed for the York County Pride and hope to see you all there!